Samurai Spirits Rpg Patch

2020. 3. 4. 08:50카테고리 없음

SpiritsSamurai shodown rpg

. All about Samurai Shodown RPG: Tales of the Bushido.If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the by clicking thelink above.

You will have tobefore you can post or view most sections the forum.Click the register link above to proceed.NOTE: Only Logged In Registered Users Will Be Able To View all The FORUM.Welcome to Come for the Games, Stay for teh drama.NOTE: IF ANYONE HAS PROBLEMS REGISTERING AN ACCOUNT.You can email neogeorot@gmail.comALL REQUESTS WILL BE JUDGED CASE BY CASE.- The Management. Here's the skinny on the translation patch, since the original thread turned into a bit of a mess.Q: What is this?A: An English translation patch for the Samurai Spirits RPG.Q: What platform is this going to be on?A: Neo.Geo CD only.Q: What about the Saturn and PSX versions?A: I don't have the means to hack/translate either. The NeoCD is the best of the three, anyway.Q: Is there going to be a cost?A: No. The patch will be completely free of charge. If you are so inclined, however, you are welcome to donate by going.

No compensation is expected, though it is always appreciated.Q: Is this compatible with Neo.Geo CD emulators?A: Partially. The only version of Nebula that I can personally attest to working is 2.23a. It runs fine in NeoCD/PSP, as well.Q: Which versions of the Neo.Geo CD will it work with?A: The original front loading and top-loading 1x systems can be used without issue. For a CDZ, you will need to further patch the ISO to get around the copy protection.Q: How do I do that?A: I don't know, and the answers will not be provided in this FAQ. Do some research and ask around.Q: I found a prepatched archive to make a copy of SSRPG work on the CDZ. Can I use this?A: No.

The translation patch has to modify the same files, and the use of that prepatched archive will break the translation.Q: Can I betatest the patch?A: No. I have beta testers already.Q: When will this be released?A: When it's completed.

Not before.Q: When will that be?A: I don't know. I have a job, a wife, two stepkids, seven cats and a dog.

This is a hobby.Q: Are the original Japanese voices going to be left intact?A: Yes, thanks to's own Murray. Originally, for technical reasons, I had to leave them out of the Mizuki chapter.

The text is precisely timed to display as the voices are heard, and the dialogue boxes are advanced automatically. So with the change to English text, I have to adjust the speed commands accordingly, or it falls out of sync, and everything comes off wrong. With Murray's help, that is no longer a live issue.Q: You're not going to dub the game in English, are you?

I hate dubs!A: No.Q: Does it matter what region my console is?A: No. The patched game will always play in English, just as the unpatched one always plays in Japanese.Q: What's the English title going to be?A: 'Samurai Shodown: Tales of the Bushido'Q: Why are you calling it 'Samurai Shodown' instead of 'Samurai Spirits?' A: Because the name of the series is 'Samurai Shodown' outside of Japan. The translated name of this game will reflect that.Q: But isn't 'Samurai Spirits RPG' the actual title of the game?A: No, the original title is 'Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits: Bushidou Retsuden.' This translates more or less to 'A new take on Samurai Spirits: A set of bushido stories.' Q: How accurate is the translation going to be?A: This patch is going to be done up properly.

The only Romaji you're going to see is for proper names, like for people and places, and words that have been appropriated into English, like samurai, katana and dojo. Movenames will be translated to English. You will not see any uses of Japanese honorifics. No -chan, -kun, -sama or any of that. No, I will not change my mind on this, and no, I will not do an alternate version.Q: But it's not accurate if it's not full of Japanese words!A: Then play it without the patch. I'm not interested in catering to obsessive fanboys.Q: Why didn't you use the font SNK used for the non-Japanese text in the game?A: The original English font in the game was 16x16 pixels per character, which would've halved the available space per screen to put in text (which is already at a premium).Q: Why not use the English font from SS2 or SS4?A: The original arcade font is only in capital letters, and it's kind of ugly, to be honest. All well and good for the short snippets of text in the arcade games, but for the ongoing reading that TotB requires, it's a little eye-straining.Q: Are you still working on this?A: Yes.

Regardless of how long it may eventually take, I will see the translation completed.Q: How much is done?A: The script is completely finished. What's being done now is working on getting the combat menus looking right.Q: Why haven't you put up any new screenshots lately?A: When there is enough progress to show new pictures, I will post them. The text is divided up by area. An incompletely-translated area cannot be inserted.

If there's no new pictures, that means there's nothing new that can be shown ingame yet.Q: What assurance do I have that you won't up and quit this project?A: You have none, other than my statement that it won't happen.Q: Will you give me the utilities you used to make this patch?A: No. They were custom-made and were not intended for redistribution. They are also not mine to give.Q: Then will you help me make a version in a language other than English?A: No.

Sorry, but I dislike derived translations.Q: Why do you have a problem with people asking when the translation will be done?A: Because no one likes to be hounded. When the patch is done, it'll be released, and you can bet your ass I'll be promoting it like mad. You'll see a link in my signature. You'll see a post stating that it's finished and ready to play.

Samurai Spirits Rpg Patch Online

I know people are waiting for it. Believe me, I want it to be completed, too; if I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this.Q: What's with the attitude?A: Because being constantly asked when it's going to be done is frustrating and puts me in a bad mood.If your questions are not answered here, please ask and I will update this post accordingly. 'There is a difference, and this is a difference, we might say, between prejudice and postjudice.

Prejudice is making a judgment before you have looked at the facts. Postjudice is making a judgment afterwards. Prejudice is terrible, in the sense that you commit injustices and you make serious mistakes. Postjudice is not terrible. You can't be perfect of course; you may make mistakes also. But it is permissible to make a judgment after you have examined the evidence.

In some circles it is even encouraged.' - Carl Sagan, The Burden of Skepticism, Skeptical Enquirer, Vol. It's been said many times before, but it still bears repeating: Thank you Deuce for undertaking such a monumental task.I've tried to play the game in the past (I printed out a graphical FAQ years ago), but alas the load times eventually got to me.I've been following your progress and I've learned that SSRPG is the most graphically beautiful Neo-Geo game. I've been studying the graphics and they did not cut any corners in the graphics department. Oh sure there are some instances of copy and paste, but they did a damn good job of hiding them.So now I have the original game and a rom, so now it's time to show off some of the visual greatness. I present to a visual buffet for your eyes.

I have a few questions about SSRPG that aren't very clear on the FAQs.Depending on the character you use, what exactly changes in the story? Is the main story the same and variates depending on your character or are there major changes?And what about the ending, is it the same for every character or is it different?Does it have (maybe) a different dialogue after you beat the last boss depending on your character or is it a generic one?And is there just one ending after you beat all the chapters or does each chapter have it's own ending?Thanks in advance guys. Well, the paths through both chapters are relatively the same regardless of the 'main' character you pick.


Both chapters have pretty much the same story, but it is played through the point of view of the 'main' character you picked. The 'main' character also has a small part of the story devoted to them exclusively somewhere in each of the 2 scenarios. The 'main' character you pick also has an effect as to what other 'main' characters and secondary characters you can pair up with. For example, using Genjuro as a main character is unique in that he pairs up with nobody, and fights alone.The ending for the Amakusa chapter is unique for each main character, but I THINK the Mizuki ending follows relatively the same route, except that of course it is played through your character's point of view, so the conversations would likely be different.